Title: Undercover Love
Length: Chaptered, 8/12
Characters: DBSK and Suju boys
Pairings: Jaeho, Yoosu and some others
Genre: Mystery, Romance
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: Park Yoochun went undercover to protect an important witness.
Disclaimer: Pure fiction. Any relation to any real and living person is pure coincidence.
Author’s note: Inspired
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Comments 13
i think all of them are agents.. well except for jaejoong XD...
Hmph.. think of ways to impress Junsu? like?
hmmmm... like errr.. playing the piano?? (haha very original) i dont know.. lol if he want to be the dominant one he better start something now ^^
I know he knows Taekwondo too - he's a 2nd Dan if i remember correctly. (not sure now)
So is Su the seme or uke now? Chunnie have to think again. LOL
Thanks for the ideas, maybe later.
I promise I will leave you a better comment tomorrow X(
I agree with tumi18 *points up* maybe all of them are agent except Jaejoong~~ Yunho, Changmin, and Junsu seems to have all the possibility of being agents~~ all top taekwondo after all~~ besides...Junsu's comment interests me...having a few secrets?? Yoochun is probably not the only one~
oh...so Junsu is a rich boy then why does he needs to be agent?? maybe he's not an agent?? I'm confuse ><
your fic make me think too much...I think one day my brain will learn to train double hard to think because of you >.<
I still say Junsu as seme~~ because now Junsu proves to be stronger then Yoochun I'll say its hotter for him to be on top~!!!! or is that just me? XP
I will wait for your next update!!!!
as I will have to be more earlier next time >_<
see you then and there on your next post~!!!!!
p.s. sorry for commenting so late one more time...it took me a long time to read and to comment...plus finals studies is killing me >.>
Seme Su. (I like too) LOL.
hating LJ at the moment... *pout*
on to the real comment..
Ah~~~ that was a very cute chapter... hahah! so, su is not that weak after all, huh? heheh.. Yoochun better watch his ass.. will there be a proper Yoosu date without that stupid Eunhyuk? and the JAeho is sweet... ^_^
update soon! *waiting eagerly*
proper yoosu date? not this part, next one possible, even smut. Still thinking about it esp the seme/uke issue. haha.
P.S. i love strong Junsu.
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