Title: Lavender Bunny (SMM Universe)
Section: Seventeen
Pairing: Yoosu (Jaeho)
Section Rating:R
Overall Rating: NC-17
i still hold
ranalore responsible for this mess.
I will NOT be posting tomorrow (Saturday my time... California time.) I will be back on Sunday.
Synopsis: A continuation of the relationship between Yoochun and Junsu from
So Much Mine.
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Comments 97
Another wonderful chapter~ *squeal* Thank goodness Jae was there to stop Yunho from doing stoopid things.XD;; And hopefully Yunho's mom will learn to wuv Jae too~8D Cause then it's six+ to one and Yunho's dad shall be defeated!!!!X3 Puahahahahaha~
XD More YooSu wuv~
yunho's mom will learn to love jae. he's very sweet :) ♥ thank you! ♥♥
I now have this terrible urge to try and design the hotel's metal sculpture O_O
and yes, the support they have is very strong.i wanted to portray their teamwork and unity. it is a common theme when they speak of one another. so it should be reflected here :) ♥♥♥
i will hope that i can get yunho's father to this point. it would be nice :) ♥♥♥
thank you...and snookies! ♥
That was really good...although it gave me a lot of deja-vu feeling as I read this story. It felt as though, I knew what was going to happen, because it felt as though I've read it before... I must be a fortune teller... oooooo That's quite out of the world theory :P
It was very good...can't wait for the next chapter. It's very difficult, huh? Fighting between what's considered wrong and right. The love of your parents, or the love of a hidden lover...hmmm
::::nods::: it is a difficult time but a good one. and yes, very "drama". mostly i wasn't even certain that jae would say something. it was a surprise... it has been said that there are no real original stories. and let's face it.. i could only have done a few things... make yunnie walk out. or have him stay. and he wasn't giving up jae so boo had to be a reason for him to stay :) ♥♥♥
hopefully it'll go well. ♥
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