Title: Pink, Pink, Pink!
Length: One-shot [1360 words]
Pairing: YooSu - with Heechul's gracing. :)
Rating: G
Genre: Phailed fluff? ^^
Summary: Yoochun's a drama-queen, while Junsu's a dancing machine. Oh, and Heechul's one crazy birthday boy.
A/N: Specially for
jaeluvsme because I wrote a death!fic this morning. T.T Me very sorry, bb. So, the prompt was suits/jackets and bb, I hope this doesn't veer off-path too much. *huggles*
A/N 2: As usual, unbeta-ed, weird sentences and wrong grammar should be pointed out, and please make my muses happy by commenting! ♥ Another phailed!fluff that hopefully manages to make you grin. At least once. /cries
I want nobody, nobody, but Chun!