A group of friends and I recently entered a Campus Movie Fest. It was a great program; we were given a video camera and a laptop to work on our film, and were required to complete it within a week's time. The tight deadline made it rather difficult--even for a film with a maximum length of five minutes--but also motivated us considerably. We worked from a script written by Zach, and had to plan shooting time very carefully. I helped film and edit the movie, provided a voice-over, and wrote some music for it. Unfortunately, I didn't have my mic's on hand to record the music as I'd lent mine out, so I had to use just my keyboard which led to very sparse arrangements. This was actually probably a good thing considering we needed five separate themes and--when a week-long timeframe is involved--simplicity occasionally becomes necessity. The main theme is posted at ourmedia.org (
http://www.ourmedia.org/node/201867 ...Though this version is longer than what we used and is consequently a bit redundant and ends abruptly). There was supposed to be an unveiling ceremony type deal for the movie fest on Thursday night, but it was postponed due to "scheduling conflicts." All the BC movie entries should be posted on campusmoviefest.com in the relatively near-future.
"You spoke in poems.
The words you wrote
Resigned my heart
And lined my throat.
They were all I could say."
What else, what else of note did March bring my way? Probably the biggest news is that BC dining experimented significantly with their pizza recipe. I had never been a fan of the former recipe, as it seemed that they used the same sauce as they did on the pasta they served (which was never exactly delicious to begin with). It seems like they've finally settled on a new formula, and it's superiority is to the benefit of everyone in the world, male or female, alive or dead.
"On This Date In History:
-Siddhartha is born. (563 B.C.)
-April 7th is fondly remembered. (1476)
-Hank Aaron bests Babe Ruth's home run record. (1974)
-April 9th is hesitatingly prepared for. (1982)
-Kurt Cobain is found dead in his Seattle home at age 27. (1994)"
I watched Fantasia tonight for the first time since I was probably in elementary school. Its ambition and the effects they achieve are pretty amazing for a movie made in 1940. Walt Disney may have been anti-semitic, but he sure knew how to make a cartoon.
'Ve Course
I'd've liked you to've seen me
Where I've never been above,
And've known not then that that there was the top.
I'd've started to attain you
And if you'd promised to remain you,
Would I've paused if hadn't I had the time to stop?
I'd of course've let you tempt me
Far off course from where I met me;
You'd've coursed into my veins until they popped."
Time is a tricky thing (...the cliched observer notes) and is either itself changing, or else my facility to grasp it is. It's accelerating and I know it; I'll be thirty-two tomorrow seeing twenty-four as yesterday. I don't find myself minding this fact so much. The larger concern is that change no longer seems to be keeping the pace. While it once seemed to run more or less in tandem with time's rate of passage--though, at points, it would speed ahead or lag behind as it pleased--it now seems unable to compete. This, I suppose, is a fact of life as change seems to slow somewhat in later years while time still blisters ahead, but I feel I'm becoming too comfortable with gradual change and may be losing contact with the also-essential experiences associated with adapting to sudden and abrupt changes.
The End.