Title: Considerate...
"I'm really curious on what type of girl can capture our Kyuhyun-sshi heart."Sudden 'attack' made by MC Kang Ho Dong makes Kyuhyun's heart beat faster.He really scared when people asking him about it.He scared he will shows how obvious his answer would be.
After thinking for a few seconds.."I like girl that willingly offer to pay drinks when we eat outside.."Everyone at the studio laughing at his answer. But only he knows that his answer have a lot of meanings.
"In other word,I easily fall for a girl that is considerate.."
"Our deer Yoona-sshi,do you prefer appearance or personality?Someone pretty like you must have many fanboys."Yoona was smiling when the question being pop out from the witty MC.She knew that her answer remain the same eversince her debut.She even sure enough that her heart will still the same.2PM boys were also curious about her answer.
"Eventhough these days I heard many girls would pick a man with beastly image,but I still prefer innocent-type of man.I hate man with lots of muscles..hehe.If can,I want someone who is like my father's personality.That is CONSIDERATE-type of guy." Her bestfriend Hyoyeon keep on showing big grin upon hearing Yoona's answer because she knows her well.Too well..
"Emm..."he stare at his girl doe eyed sweetly.His hand wrapped around her thin waist.Her head reasted leisurely at his chest.
"I watch one tv show last night and there was one guy really capture my heart.."she smiling widely while looking at her loved one reaction.
And as she expected,his face turn sour.
"Is it that Nichkun guy.He's married Yoong."He let go her waist instantly.
"Hehe..jealous much?"She kiss his lips and say.."I fall in love with the guy that is considerate much to say that he love considerate-type of girl.Seems like hes copying someone's answer.Hermm..Who could it be?"
He was smiling upon hearing it.
"Yoona..her name was Yoona.I love her and I wish I could say her name in front of that camera."
Yoona's eyes teared up."Kyuhyun oppa.."
"Yes,Yoona.It will always be you." After he finished his words,he cupped her face with his hand and kiss her passionately and between their kiss,he murmured,"I love you,my weirdo Yoona.."
Finally..i finished my very first fic.hehe