The Secret Santa Conundrum

Dec 23, 2009 16:36

READ THIS BEFORE YOU READ: I called this “The Secret Santa Conundrum” because in my head, for some unexplainable reason, Yoochun and Junsu played their own game of Secret Santa, and Yoochun picked Jaejoong while Junsu picked Yunho. They decided to team up and get a “gift” for the both of them (working behind the scenes, so to speak ( Read more... )

pairing: yunjae, genre: romance, genre: comedy/crack, length: oneshot, pairing: yoosu, genre: fluff

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Comments 39

shuuseieki December 24 2009, 01:02:41 UTC
I was, like, rolled over enjoying the fluff in this fic! It's so adorable how YooSu messed with YunJae in the story; I particularly liked that part about spinach. xD I think the Yunho/Jaejoong POV parts are great - it brings a sense of closeness and understanding with the characters in the story. I really admire your writing style; it's clean, crisp, not too many descriptives. It's great, overall! =D Looking forward to another one of your work.

And you know what my favourite part is? COMPLETELY ACCURATE DESCRIPTIONS OF SME XD


yoomaydakaynay December 24 2009, 21:31:08 UTC
aw, shucks... ^^ thank you so much!

im totally glad you loved it =D and thanks for your input; I really appreciate it and I'm glad you found the POV parts great!

ah hahahaha oops, did I leave those descriptions of SME in? oops!.... not. XD >=]


shuuseieki December 25 2009, 12:27:31 UTC
Pleasure's all mine! =D Never stop writing, please? The whole story makes me happy all over. ♥


dbskmeddled December 24 2009, 19:41:27 UTC
WAHHH gfashgfgl<3

This made day before Christmas for me so much more lovely. that was beyond cute!

Loving the descriptions of SME, made me laugh right out loud.

So cute~ ^^


yoomaydakaynay December 24 2009, 21:32:43 UTC

I'm glad I could make your Christmas Eve that much better! =3

you do not honestly know how much fun it was venting my anger on SME in this, lol ^^

thanks for reading!!


claud_ina666 December 24 2009, 23:07:35 UTC
LOL... jae is like obssessed w/ spinach and puffs... urgh~ i hate spinach...

i love those little striked-through words before SME... so true


yoomaydakaynay December 25 2009, 17:56:05 UTC
thanx for reading!!! ~~ <3

i hate spinach too but it's not me; Hero wanted to make those damn spinach puffs lol XD


fivespice93 December 24 2009, 23:45:36 UTC
Oh the crack... :D

I love it. The fluff made me squee ~❤


yoomaydakaynay December 25 2009, 17:56:36 UTC
thankyuuu for reading, im glad u liked it!! ^^


steffiluvlife December 25 2009, 03:32:22 UTC
aww that was really sweet and fun at the same time!
i love how you depicted each character so well, despite yunjae being the main:)

makes me all warm and fuzzy on a late christmas's morning:)



yoomaydakaynay December 25 2009, 17:57:21 UTC
merry (late) christmas too you, too!
thanks for reading =]



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