Don't Let DBSK Celebrate Valentine's Day- Yunho.

Feb 11, 2010 21:19

Yunho’s Valentine Day Plans.

It was time for Yunho to make a list. If he didn’t get his thoughts out properly, then his plans weren’t going to go according to plan and nothing would be right for his Jae’s Valentine’s Day. With a grunt, he settled himself into the lone couch in the living room and pulled out a pad of paper, pen in hand.
     The habit of making lists came into fruition when he really needed them to sort out everything thrown at him in his SME meetings as leader, but he felt that this set of lists was going to be even more pertinent to him.
     He began writing.

How to Make Jaejoong Smile:

-          Buy flowers; the expensive kind. (He’ll put them on the dining table and coo at them for hours. It’s adorable!)

-          Buy chocolates; the expensive kind. (He won’t eat them unless they were probably wrapped in edible gold or found in a lost Egyptian tomb around a bunch of other treasure.) Thank God SME gives me so much money T__T

-          Buy new clothes; the expensive kind. (He won’t wear them unless someone has strategically ripped holes into a perfectly good piece of fabric and set the price for the leftover ruins so high that building a space station on Mars would cost less. I don’t understand it myself, but if Jaejoong wants to wear clothes that flash that sexy pale skin who am I to complain? Oh, yeah. His boyfriend.)

-          Take him out to eat instead of having him cook. (I actually think this one might make him tear up a little.)

-          Make Changmin go over to a friend’s apartment for a night so Jae doesn’t have to bicker with him for once. (Now that I think about it… this is kind of a gift to me and the other members who enjoy relaxing without hearing shouting and things breaking in the background.)

-          Make my own Valentine’s card for him… he loves little crafts. (As I write this I bet he’s doing something creative for me. =^__^= I’m so excited!!!)

-          Clean the dorm. Umma deserves a day off!

-          Take him out to a movie. (I don’t know how this one will work, but I’ll make it happen… Boojae likes cuddling in the dark theater :3)

-          Give him that promise ring I bought a few weeks back for him. He’s mine forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ev- what the hell? … And ever. Stupid pen died on me. <3

Places to Go to Get the Items to Make Jaejoong Smile:

-          Designer clothing stores

-          Bank

-          Florist down the street

-          Chocolate shop down the street convenient, huh?

-          Sometimes we have to drag Changmin out of that place… and he bites when he’s angry.

-          It really freaking hurts.

-          Speaking of him:

-          Nowhere where Changmin is!

-          Crafts store

-          Movie theater

-          A romantic setting, like the top of a building on a full moon

-          And I mean, I’ll be honest… I’m tired of disinfecting Choco Deprived Changmin inflicted wounds.

-          It’s a waste of medical supplies, I’ll tell you that much.

-          The French restaurant Jae loves so much

-          Bank

-          Wherever they sell vacuums and cleaning utensils

-          Is it odd that those kinds of things turn Jae on?

-          Jeweler

-          Bank

-          Sex shop around the corner

-          Our bedroom ;D

Items Needed to Make Jaejoong Smile:

-          Money.

-          Money.

-          Money.

-          Flowers

-          Chocolates

-          Designer clothes

-          God damnit, that’s already all of my money! The hell! =[

-          Restaurant food

-          Changmin being invisible

-          Junsu being quiet

-          that last one is physically impossible T_T

-          Something shiny to distract Junsu

-          Yoochun being sober

-          My car

-          Gas money…

-          *sigh*

-          Glue

-          Money

-          Ribbon

-          Sparkles

-          String

-          Chocolate sauce

-          … for dessert, of course…

-          Rope

-          Okay, I have no excuse for that one, I’ll be honest.

-          Money

-          Crayons

-          Markers

-          Popsicle sticks

-          Condoms

-          Brute strength check!

-          Movie tickets

-          Lube

-          Money

-          Glasses

-          Jae is so sexy in glasses, omg

-          Personalized heart-shaped candies

-          They’re freaking delicious; it’s no lie, you know?

-          Or should I say… U-Know? Haha.

-          Laugh, damnit!

-          … Why am I trying to make myself laugh, anyway?

-          I have to continue. So…

-          More lube

-          Promise ring

-          More condoms

-          Nutella

-          gotta be careful though, it keeps getting stuck in Jae’s belly button…

-          Extra blankets

-          Scented lotion

-          Picnic basket

-          Pillows

-          Glow sticks

-          Red satin bed sheets

-          Peanut butter

-          I mean, not that I don’t enjoy licking the Nutella from his belly button, but still…

-          Cologne

-          Jelly

-          Body butter

-          Candles

-          Lighter

-          Hair spray

-          Money

-          Kimchi

-          Ice cream

-          I mean, seriously. Nutella is a solid spread! It’s sticky in all the wrong places!

-          Surgical gloves

-          (Don’t ask -_-“)

-          Dildos…

-          oh, baby; yes, plural!

-          More more lube!

-          “Mood” music

-          I’m thinking soft jazz…

-          Or maybe Junsu can serenade us with his pretty voice…

-          No, wait. He’ll have something shiny. Forgot.

-          Anyway!

-          Napkins

-          Socks

-          Chapstick/lip balm

-          Yes, I AM prepared. Very.

-          Or maybe Nutella is sticky in all the RIGHT places… ;D

-          Vaseline

-          Unconditional love

-          Duh.

-          Oh, and check!

-          Candy canes

-          Fluffy plushies

-          Sound-proof walls

-          ;D

-          Belt

-          Feathers

-          Spoons

-          Well, thank god I bought more Nutella, is all. Phew!

-          Twister spinner

-          Confetti

-          Balloons

-          Tiger outfit

-          Lion outfit

-          …

-          Flavored condoms

-          ...

-          My hands

-          …

-          Love

-          …

-          His body.

-          …

-          0.0

Yunho nodded approvingly at his list before he decided to add one more item to get:

-          Handcuffs.

A small smile spread across his face as he got up to leave the dorm with his car keys in tow, whistling a cheerful tune to himself.
     This Valentine’s Day was going to be one of the best he ever had; he just had a feeling.

A/N: Umm... Yunnie? That's, uh... I think handcuffs are the LEAST kinky things on your list... 0.0 LOL. NEXT UP IS YOOCHUN (AND HIS SONG!!)~!!


Next Valentine: Yoochun’s Song…

genre: romance, genre: comedy/crack, length: oneshot, group: dbsk

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