ukes: the true relationship masters (the uke handbook).

Feb 05, 2010 17:21

→ ukes: the true relationship masters (the uke handbook).
*locked in: twelve to seventy-two hours.

as jaejoong walks out the door to take a nice, peaceful walk over to the nearest bookstore, he trips over a small rock and begins to ponder whether that was an omen. he rubs his chin in a vain attempt to decipher the situation, but it's to no use. by the time jaejoong gives up, he's already taken about ten or eleven steps into the bookstore. he tries to be discreet about it, but this is once again, to no use. he tip-toes to see above the tall book shelves and before walking over to the aisle the book he needs is in, he snoops around, unaware of the people around him.

they whisper about jaejoong, and what's he's doing snooping around like that. They say that if he wants a book, he should just go and get it, no need to be discreet about it, but kim jaejoong would beg to differ. there is a need to be discreet, if anyone he knew saw him holding that book, it would ultimately be the death of him.

he turns around ever-so slowly to check if there's anyone behind him, and there's no one. he grins slyly as he runs over to the aisle his book is in and he snoops around a bit more before running to hold his beloved book in the warm hold of his arms.

''the uke handbook' by shim changmin. this book has won numerous awards for the countless positive feedback given, by critics and fans alike. this book is the second in shim changmin's 'handbook' series.'

jaejoong grins happily as he pays for the book and goes off on his way back to the house. as he takes a step into the his and yunho's house, he kicks off his shoes and jumps joyous onto their couch. it takes a few seconds to get into a comfortable reading position, but he does. he opens the book and begins to read from the first chapter.

chapter one: how to understand your seme.
understanding your seme without belittling them and making them still feel manly.

as an uke, your seme feels it is his responsibility to care for you, almost like an owner with a pet. your seme normally has a one-track mind, sex, sex, sex, but that is not always it. when you are in pain, your seme is in pain. when you are happy, he is happy. when you are sad, he is sad. your seme shares your feelings and physical pains as well. there is basically nothing that you can hide from your seme, whether it be you cut up his tie out of anger, or kissed another man.

your seme normally feels a sense of manliness around you. semes are very egoistic in a sense, and they never like to be seen as 'girly' or 'unmanly'. a seme's build and body structure are normally much more toned and defined than that of an uke's, so semes are normally the 'men' of the relationship. however, in this book, you will learn that it is actually the ukes who run the relationship.

tips to understanding your seme:

1. semes are able to sense danger any time of day. they will resort to nothing in order to keep you out of harm's way and will even give their life to protect you at all cost.

2. semes are very gently, and open up to others very easily. however, it takes them a bit longer to open up to their partners because semes enjoy surprises, in a sense. they loves to keep people, esp. their ukes, on the edge of their seats because semes love a good laugh.

3. when a seme says that he is 'fine', they are most certainly not. on another note related to this, it is practically impossibly to keep the truth from a seme, only when it is a something of critical importance. an example of this would be if you had or have cheated on your seme. semes are able to tell when their uke is lying to them with just a glance.

jaejoong looks up to the door as he suddenly remembers a time when he told yunho that he fine when in reality, jaejoong had just gotten fired from his job.

('jaejoong, are you okay?'

jaejoong walks through the door as he gives yunho a soft smile before nodding his head and walking over to their bedroom. jaejoong flops onto the soft bed as a stray tear falls down onto his cheek. jaejoong doesn't hear yunho walk into the room. yunho frowns as he wipes jaejoong's tear away, and jaejoong jumps up, in shock.

'you don't have to lie to me jaejoong.'

'i...i'm not lying. i really am fine, see?'

jaejoong gives yunho a shaky smile before yunho presses a tender kiss onto jaejoong's lips. jaejoong closes his eys as another tear rolls down his warm cheek. yunho pulls away and looks jaejoong straight in the eyes.

'the only thing i could come up with is that either you cheated on me, lost your job, or killed a man.'

'i-i would never cheat on you!'

'then that lost your job, am i right?'

jaejoong tilts his head down as yunho grabs jaejoong's hand and entwines it in his.

'why didn't you think it was that i killed someone?'

'because you're my sweet jaejoong, you don't have the heart to kill even a fly.'

yunho smiles before he pulls jaejoong into him and jaejoong smiles into yunho's shoulder as he cradles jaejoong in his arms.)

jaejoong smiles as he grabs the book once more, just as his cellphone rings. jaejoong flips open his phone and presses the green 'answer' button.




'yeah, it's me. listen, i'm over at junsu's house and my car is broken, can you come over and pick me up?'

'yeah, sure. just give me like, an hour.'

'an hour?! why do you need an hou-'

jaejoong hangs up before yunho can finish his question. jaejoong sets his phone down onto the coffee table in the middle of their living room and leaves it on silent mode. he grins before grabbing the book again and opening it up to the page he left off at.

chapter two: how to keep your seme under control.
steps and tips on how to keep your seme under control, with a loving, tender attitude.

if you haven't yet noticed, doesn't it seem as if semes are able to get anger easily? well, if you haven't, it is. however, it isn't just anger, it's sadness, happiness, and practically every emotion out there. semes typically have a hard time keeping their emotions under control, esp. when it involves their seme. whenever a seme sees their uke getting the short end of the stick, or picked on in some sense, they will do anything to uphold your honor, seeing as they are the dominant one in the relationship.

another reason it is hard for semes to keep their emotions under control is because they love challenges, and to them, a challenge means 'fight'. another example of a fight is you, the uke. whenever they feel the need to have sexual intercourse with you, they will sometimes even resort to violence to have their way with you. semes are quite forceful at times and will stop at nothing to get what they truly desire.

a tip on keeping your seme's sex drive under control would be keeping a safe distance from them. however, this is not often the right choice because semes love challenges. the best way to keep their sex drive under control would be to ignore them, no matter what. as your seme sees that you are able to go on with life without them, they will normally feel depleted and end the chase. a way to control their anger would to be to promise them a reward later. making the reward into something fulfilling for them would be best.

jaejoong drops the book as he suddenly remembers that tomorrow is yunho's birthday.

'oh. my. gosh. i didn't even get him a birthday gift yet..'

jaejoong's practically picking at his brain trying to come up with a gift. it takes him a few minutes to figure out the perfect gift, but he does it. he writes up a shopping list and grins as he grabs his car keys and phone.

'might as well pick up yunho on the way.'

he smirks, then chuckles a bit before shoving the piece of paper into his pocket.

'jung yunho, this will be the best birthday present of your life.'

gah, i don't think it's good. ):

fandom: dbsk, genre: humor, rating: nc-17, length: unknown, genre: smut, pairing: yunho/jaejoong, genre: romance

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