Something About Me: Why I Arrange Letters in Pretty Patterns
And Punctuation, too
You are reading. That must signify something. It may signify that you take a liking to reading essays, or perhaps that you are pressured into it. It may signify that you want to figure something out and are looking here to find your solution. It probably signifies that someone (or something) has been doing something (or someone) somewhere (or, um… Never mind). At the very least it signifies that I, the author of this work, have written. And seeing that you are reading this, we can be pretty damn sure that it does signify the creation of this text. And what does that mean? By writing this, have I only put finger to button many, many times? Well, most likely not. Most likely I have some reason for doing it. Most likely there is some significance to me writing this. On this particular occasion, it just so happens that I am writing because I have been assigned the task of writing. However, my most common writing is due to my own need, or want, of writing.
I can not say that I am not familiar with creative writing, nor with non-creative writing, if you believe such a thing as the latter can exist (personally, I can’t say that any piece of writing is not creative. Just about everything has some level of creativity involved). I have dealt with both forms of writing. My first pieces of writing have been the creative writing type; they were the steps taken towards writing my first books, some fantasy-ish, sci-fi-ish story geared towards kids and teenagers, which never got much past their third page. Later attempts would come at similar tales, and later on I would take an interest in creating poems and short stories. However, reflecting on the quality of those works, and taking into account my personal interest in them, I will leave them be and progress with my point.
See, my modern writings relate very little to my writings as a nine-year-old. I left the fantasy-based behind and continued towards the common issues of teenager drama. I felt the world was against me, that my freedom was suppressed, life has no meaning, etc. And I never left these topics, though my interpretation of such topics matured as I continued to write about them. It’s been said (by others besides myself) that my writings have developed into documentations of hippie ideals and anarchic conceptions, and I won’t deny such claims. For the past year I have written plenty on the “meaning of life”, my attitudes on different topics, my opinions on how things should be run, all those philosophical issues. And I can’t say that I haven’t enjoyed myself in the process.
To get the point, I write to interpret myself. I use writing to spread my ideals (be it through school essays, online journals, poems, songs, or whatever method you may think up) and develop them, and myself. Did you ever read about people writing because they wanted to “make a difference”? I write the same as they do, but I don’t care much for the “make a difference” part. So long as I get everything out of my system and into some written form I am pleased, regardless of whatever the results of writing it all may be.
How about you?
And a picture of me. I changed a bit since then. And I don't normally dress like that.