Aug 12, 2005 11:58
Juan, Zac, Aaron... I typed this whole thing out just for you guys. These are not my opinions. I have done numerous hours of research for ya'll guys because I love you as friends and I want you to make an educated decision by thinking first. I have done all the research. All you have to do is read. You know that whole concept of look before you leep. The least ya'll can do is read this with an open mind. These are facts that prove that there is an inteligent being out there in the universe. You can ignore them if you want but that is your own choice. Zach said there is no proof that there is a god. That is why he doesn't believe. I just wanted to let him know that there is proof. You just have to go and LOOK for it. Well, here ya go buddy. Remember, these are facts and, some good points people have said over the years.
But first off, You have to want to believe that there is a god. Because only you can change what you believe. If you don't want to believe it then it doesn't matter what I say or what I do, your still not going to believe. So my only question to you is, If there was a god, would you even want to believe that he exists? Yes or no
Atheist Kai nielson said. "Suppose you suddenly hear a loud bang, like a gun go off...and you ask me, "What made the bang?" And I reply with, "Nothing. It just happened." You would not accept that as an answer. Right. And yes the sun could have made the gun go off because of heat. But then that leads you to ask... who put the gun there? If matter is sitting at a place in time, someone or something with force put it there. This is an inescapable conclusion and it is a law of physics. In the Beginning, God created... "Case for a creator by Lee stroble." Very good book.
"...There are several qualities we can identify. The effect of space and time, which is what we have today, must be from the cause of beginningless, timeless, spaceless, immaterial, personal being endowed with freedom of will and enormous power. Someone or something who can create space and time. That is the core concept of God. It is called cause and effect. Another law of physics. To deny such a fact is plain ignorance." by Robert Jastrow from the New York times.
"This is how to make one simple cell"
By Dr. jerry Bergamn
First start with 80 amino acids. (Without God thes must have popped up out of no where). Only 20 are found in protein molecules. They must be placed in the right order to produce protein molecules. Extraneous molecules must be blocked from inhibiting this process of coming together(remember this is completely by random, natural occurance). After this, there must be an equal number of amino acids left to form more protien molecules and all other molecules must be elliminated through random occurance. Now you need the right order of the select, left handed amino acids to make a protein. Now you must have the correct chemical, mainly peptide bonds, to unite the chemicals in the right order, and the peptide bonds must be bent correctly by natural chemical process "with no assistance", to connect all the amino acids together, in a three demensional way, to have a protein that can function properly. Now you need over 100 of these amino acids to unite perfectly together to form one protein molecule. You still don't not have life yet. Then you need over 200 of the protein moleculds to go through the same exact procedure, to be able to function, to unite with all other protein molecules in just the right order, each haveing a unique different function, seperate from all the others. All to get one single living cell.
The average human has about 75 trillion cells! The human cerebral cortex alone contains over ten billion cells, all arranged in the proper order and each of these cells is itself infinitely complex from a human standpoint. Impossible to be created by humnas. Each of these cells in the human body consists of multi-thousands of basic parts such as organells and multi-millions of complex proteins and other parts, all of which must be assembled both correctly and instantaneously as a unit in order to function. this required balance and assembly must be maintained even during cell division."
Darwainian evolution only has chance evolution at its disposal. Because no "advanced thinking" can possibly be allowed, yet there is no possible way that nucleotieds can arrange themselves in a "pre-defined code," since this assumes proir knowledge and advanced intelligence. Thus the very existence of DNA-coded language stalls the evolution theory at the first hurdle." Dr. Andrew Mcintosh, University of leeds UK.
"There are many things to notice that let us know we were not a mistake. Earths location, tilt, size, composition, structure, atmosphere, temperature, internal dynamics, gravitational pull, and its many intricate cycles that are essential for life-the carbon cycle, sulfuric cycle, the calcium cycle, the sodium cycle, the evaporation cycle, the decompostion cycle and so on, testify to the dedree to which our planet is exquisitely and precariously balanced. The more I examine the universe and the details of its architecture, the more evidence I find that the universe in some sence must have known we where coming. Earth is literaly the "perfect" condition in which we can survive."
Dr. Henry Sacrot of Harvard University.
We are talking about multi-species integrated service system. There isn't a evolutionary way to explain life. How could multiple organisms have once lived independetly of services that they now require to live from. Systems of living things support each other, the modus operandi of biodeversity, is exactly what we would expect to find from the creator who said..."Give and it shall be given unto you."Luke 6:38
Dr. Jerry R. Bergman.
In leymens terms it means "How could we first live with out the materials that we need to survive. We needed water air and other things to survive, so God provided it......"Give and it shall be given unto you."
All scientists are troubled by the fact that the universe necessitates a creator. They are perturbed about the fact of a never ending, infinite space because the law of physics says it can't be possible yet it clearly sits infront of our eyes everyday. Einstein admitted the idea of the expanding universe "irritates me because of theological implications. A bang of any magitude cannot create such a space" God vrs the Astronomers. Another good book.
For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there fot centuries trying to find the answer, when it was ifront of there faces the whole time."-Robert Jastrow, God and the Astronomer.
I have tons and tons more but I would just like to hear your opinion on the subject. Take your time though. I still have a headache from reading and typing all those big words.