Jan 27, 2005 01:31
this will probably be the longest post i ever make in my life but i think it will also be the most important. if you ever called yourself my friends you will read it all. dont worry ill make it worth your while. this is probably the only serious post that i will make in my life time but i have to get this off my chest. something happened to one of my freainds today that really made me sad. i hope you all pay attention cause every once in a while i say something thats very important belive it or not. this one has to do with my relationship with god. anyway here it goes. i have had 3 friends. i will not name them but they know who they are. one friend recently told his mother that he wasn't a christian any more. i have to say to him that if you are denying you are a christian then you never really where one in the first place. having heard that, it really put life in perspective for me. cause my whole job as a christian is to lead people to christ and it made me feel like a failure. thats my whole purpose on this earth and i havent been doing that at all. i feel like i have let my friends down. these three frinds went to church in the past. there is two things that all these three friends have in common, they have all stopped going to church for quite some time now and they have all had sex before marriage. so i have made two rules with myself and those are to never have sex before mariage and to never stop going to church. one is because i would like to stay a virgin untill i am married, since thats what it was meant for anyway. statistics show that nearly have of all marriages fail because either one or both of the spouses have had sex with multiple partners. sex is whats supposed to make a marriage special. and whats so special about it if you have done it already with other people. And second i vow to never stop going to church. and if you say that church isnt for you, im sorry but you are sadly mistaken. church was meant for every one just like christ. if you think your to cool to go church, guess what , you wrong agian. if you where a christian and you stopped going to church, of course you are going to fall away from god. thats why there is church so christians dont fall away. if you stop seeing a friend for along time you start to forget what he looks like. you even forget what he acts like. life is a long long road and if you dont stop every once in a while to look at the map(A.K.A church), your bound to get lost. and whether you like it or not, all of us have a god shaped hole in us. some people try to fill it with sex, drugs, violence, drinking, and sometimes even suicide. i can honestly say this. you will never ever be happy if you fill the god shaped hole with the physical pleasures of the world. everything here is meant to distract you from filling the hole with what was meant to be there. if there was no god this would be the whole reason for you being here. you are born, you start school for 12 or 13 years then you go to college, get a degree in something, make money all you life, you retire of old age and, die. i want you to tell me right now what is the point of that. what good did you do. why are any of the goals you accomplished worth anything. there has to be a bigger reason why we are here. many people have started out with a life goal of trying to prove that there is no god. and when there finished they end up being the most renoun christians in the world because the closer they got to the truth the more they where proven wrong. each one of them realized that they where seriously mistaken. i say to my three friends, if you do not believe in god, then you are simply being nieve and denying the facts. it makes me mad how people think just because they believe in something its right then if they choose not to believe it its wrong. there are about 300,000 religions all across the globe and when you look at the graves of there god, there body lays there. but show me my gods body any where and i'll pay you all the money in the world. the most well known one is christianity. but all through time it seems as though christianity is deminishing. you know why, cause satan doesnt care about any other religion but the real one. think of it they are teaching the big bang theory in schools, they are teaching evolution in schools, they could even get away with teaching buhdism in schools, but as soon as christianity comes in schools they want to ban it for good. and then they want to make a law seperating church and state. they want to take out god in the pledge, they want to take away god in the court room even though when you are put on the stand in a trial what book do you put your hand on, and what are the four last words that come out of your mouth when you are on the stand "so help me WHO" oh thats right..................god. the whole reason im a republican is because almost 95% of the time thay are christians. if god be with us, who be against us right. almost all democrats seem to want the same thing, gay marriage. this is another thing i dont get and im going to give it to you straight, being a homosexual is not a diseas. diseases kill people and diseases are contagious. it is plain, hard, cold, sin and if you dont repent from it you will be banished to hell. make no mistake about that. it says it in bold print in the bible. god demolished an entire city for doing it so dont even get me started on homosexuality being a disease. it is the sickest and most immoral thing i could ever think of and if democrats want that for our country then god help us all. that just proves that democrats will stoop that low just to get votes. just remember this, no matter how many things you do wrong, you'r never out of reach of god. so in conclusion, i will never have sex before marriage and i will never stop going to church. this passage probably made you feel guilty for what you have done in the past, dont worry all you have to do is say the words and he'll wipe the guilt away cause according to him they never happened. you know he exists, you just dont want to admit it cause being a christian isn't cool or fun. i meant every word i said. i will save myself for one woman and i will never stop going to church. some people have never even seen this side of me. im sorry but when you diss my god you've got a whole new thing coming. end of conversation.