Copper Copulation --- after reading Coney Island

Apr 26, 2006 23:46

Copper Copulation

Just keep on doing
An. Elk
tuberculosis toes
and restricted pelvis
blocking obligatory generations
like a mothers confining guilt

every 24 hours we flip the calendar day
through swollen schedule

leaving behind
dismembered skeleton
to survive a pennys pay

di servitude amongst di self

the copper weight of Lincolns head
weighs down these legged pockets
which once ran free in a time before we be lived in maturity
we ran free
free enough to run to the white house
or south dakota or galesburg illinois
free enough to unchain ourselves from the world we live in today
pretty Gehry decomposition
in skyscrapers

crowding frowns into currency-spirals
and brain clots of clanking hobo

amend amours trajectory
compass around copulation
tell yourself lincoln did not exist


Pick is up Picasso
you think he had a 9-5


Find your femur and cripple it to set yourself free!

you don't need a coin to put in the slot to get the ball rolling.
this ain't no casino. Those are the Indian Skyscrapers.
unlearn the names spread out with copper geu
over our corrupt history

drop it like the activist baring no name
who took down stonewall

drop a penny and paint a skyline


Just keep on doing
said An. Elk
to wolf dressed as cow
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