009 | you only turn 18 once

Jan 12, 2012 22:33

Isn't my cake so pretty?

So in the four or so weeks that I haven't posted a lot has happened. The main one being: I turned 18.

Now I'm not entirely sure if its a filo thing or if it's an everyone does it sort of thing but I had what you call a "Debut" in which I am introduced to society as a woman and other crap like that. I had a wonderful night and it was amazing and surreal and I love my parents so much for forcing me into it because I didn't expect it to be so good. Really. It was amazing. You can see more (well not really) here. The rest is one Facebook and I'm pretty sure you can see them only if you're my friend :(

But yes. I was in the Philippines on vacation with my family and honestly it was the most amazing experience of my life. It's hard to imagine myself being someone that didn't love going back home, considering that I once was. I find myself randomly going between being homesick for Philippines and loving it in Australia and never want to leave. They're both my homes <3

Here's a short specific low down of life: hit up the clubs, got drunk off my ass, kissed a stranger, went straight line fishing, lived in a resort for a couple of days, had fish eat my dead skin, watched Mission Impossible 4 in imax, watched Chipmunks, went shopping in Foever 21, got lost in MOA/Manila, got jollibee delivery and tons and tons more that I have forgotten because I have a shit memory.

So yes. My life has been surreal in the past month and I can't thank my parents enough for giving this to me. Seriously. So much love <3

But enough of me. How've you lovely's been?
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