
Nov 21, 2010 12:59

 Hello everyone!
As you might have noticed, Yongtae is getting a little quiet.
There were loads of drops, inactivity and cuts.
First of all we'd like to thank everyone who still stuck around, and a welcome to all the newer players!

However, because there are just a few people left, the dorms became quiet and lonely for some.
There are muses that live in a dorm completely alone.
For those muses we decided they are allowed to change dorms.

The muses that are completely alone and the ones that do have roommates but never speak because of time zones etc, are allowed to move into a new dorm.

Leave a comment if you wish to change dorms!

Girls only can room with girls, and boys can only room with boys!
Please use the following form to post your comment!

Current dorm:
New Dorm:

We're also starting debuts by the end of the month, something to keep in mind!

The Mods

mod post, ooc

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