LJ Interests meme results
- big fish:
one of my favorite movies. i love the stories in it. - camping:
one of my past times to do with friends i love waking up to the smell of the camp fire still burning. - dickey-doo!:
ahh dickey-doo, well he is the dork of my life, the one who makes me the happiest and wants nothing but the best for the both of us. its Sean my boyfriend. - family guy:
sean and i fall asleep to this show almost every night. and that stewie kills me. it is the best show ever to hit cable - having shindigs:
the classic bon fire party at my place, just enough people to sit around the bonfire and not have any conflicts. 7-13 people is what i consider a shin dig - jari:
The Canadian that changed my life at 15, when we would have his brother buy alcohol and drive us around making so-co slushies at 7-11. - kelly:
thats weird the girl jari started dating - my car:
the new car i got summer of 04, lets me get away when needed. its a 2000 cougar,bitches
- my woods:
the woods along my road bring back many memories of playing as a child with daniel and the farrell boys. - piebald:
i have seen this band 4 times and possibly a 5th this october. they make me happy
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