So Kate did the honors and tagged me the other day. I guess, if called out on something specific, I'll post on here. Here goes:
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for a week without fail.
3. Tag 8 of your friends to do the same.
I do like
binaryasylum's method of choosing 8 things that made me happy and then doing a general shout out to people he wants to see complete it. I don't know that I can come up with 8, but I'll accept the challenge...
1. My insurance FINALLY approved coverage of my medication! This is the $60/week med that is one of the first things in 10 years of trying meds for my migraines and fibro that helps without major side effect.
2. They'll reimburse me for the $100+ I've spent out-of-pocket these last few weeks.
3. There was incessant jack hammering on the other side of my office wall today for hours and hours. And then, at 3 pm, it stopped. It was blissful.
4. I'm really excited to go Worcester this weekend to see the Clark Bars,
icanwritewords, and anyone else who responds to my general call for playdate buddies.
5. I'm psyched I will have my GPS to get me there from work without getting lost.
6. My roommate, Joanna, just donated her bone marrow through the Gift of Life, and I'm really proud of her for, y'know, saving a stranger's life.
7. I had a really great pumpkin maple soup today for lunch.
8. I started knitting a hat for a friend's baby and the colors remind me of peach sherbet.
And I hereby tag...
danoumas, and any other of my friends who haven't posted in years but still use their LJ friends pages to stalk people.