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May 04, 2006 12:54

Now that I'm all hot and sweaty from a ballet workout, I made the mistake of sitting down at my computer instead of going upstairs and showering. What can I say, the computer chair was closest. Do not consider this a full update, by any means. I just feel bad because I suck at staying in touch with people.

Here are the highlights:

-After a dozen new meds, a diagnosis of Chronic Daily Migraines, and 3 neurologists on the case, we've finally found a regimine that seems to be cutting back on the pain. I'm getting a lot more functional, and reading is s l o w l y coming back to me. I can now read for 20 minutes a day, on a good day. I finished reading She's Not There: A Life in Two Genders by Matt's professor Jenny Boylan, which I highly reccomend and even did a staff pick at Borders for it.

-I've been working part-time at Borders, and am about to go through cafe re-training as we switch over to Seattle's Best Coffee. The best part is that as we learn how to make each drink, we have to sample it. So much caffine, I don't think I'll sleep all week.

-I'm going to be taking two classes at NH Tech this summer, just to get some credits and to give myself time to adapt to being a student with all new disabilities. I'm taking Western Civ and Intro to Psych -- I don't expect to be challanged by the material, but at least it's something.

-My dad got a job a few months ago! It's so nice to have him working steadily again, but I'm still mostly on my own as far as paying for things.

-My dog died. Maggie the wonder dog, who I've had since I was 6, died in her sleep at my mom's house in Arkansas. I wish I'd gotten to see her again, but she was 14 and lived a good life. She was the only dog I know who could play hide and seek. (She was a much better seeker; she'd stick her head in a bush and consider herself hidden.)

Good girl, Maggie.

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