Christmas Weekend with the Loliteers

Dec 21, 2009 20:41

Ventured out in the heavy snowfall this saturday to go to Shizuka_85's place to have a little early christmas celebration together with her, Shibahime and Ofinns. We exchanged gifts, ate delicious food, drank and had a good time. When I got back Karlskrona was even more covered in snow than when I left, more than what I've seen it be in years.


Chicken stuffed with prunes and apples, together with ovenbaked potatoes, carrots, sauce and cranberry jelly.

Shibahime, reaching for a refill of cider.

Mulled wine with a hint of cocoa, together with Shizuka's homemade peanut cookies.

Shizuka opening a gift.

Dessert. Directly translated it's Saffron Pancake, but it doesn't really taste like pancake. Very delicious though!

A snow-covered Karlskrona.
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