Whats the disney? I cant believe ive had this journal for a year now, that shits weird. Crumpet got this new video camera and editing program so now we can edit our own videos. We made a commercial for "Retaliation" the other day in windows media format, peep it out:
Download high bandwidth version (for cable n DSL n all that)Download low bandwidth version (for dialup and slow shit) We also now have a girls section at the site which you should check.
Click here for it and if any of you ladies reading this are interested in representin, hit me up and send me some pix! Naked love is always cool too but not neccisary.
I guess Ive been aight lately, I only get in bad moods for no reason like once a day now,,,,, pimp shit!
Still workin on Retaliation --- ITS COMING!