Yeah, i remember that book...that wasn't a good book at all. It really didn't make any sense. I think it's stuck in my closet somewhere...i don't know though. With a name like "Lustbader" though, what else can you expect?
It was an ok book otherwise...i was expecting it to be better and so i read it. What are you worried about, its not like you read it. You put it back on my death like it had the plague. :D
It was always you going between the two...remember??? You were the one that could neve decide. You just tried to point the finger at me to make it seem like you weren't really confused and torn in two.
Yeah yeah, you just say that to cover up your true feelings cause i am completely happy being single. I enjoy it lots and lots and lots and lots. Thats why YOU need to find out what works for you...of course you have to decide who you want more because i highly doubt that you could juggle two guys. ;)
Well since I'm not sure what the obvious reasons are...
It just seems like this huge angst-causing waste of time. The whole thing is "I love you I love you I love you I love you YOU HURT ME!" It's so pointless.
Everyone is suspicious and so quick to take sides. It's always fighting and making up and doing gooey worthless things for each other. They act like idiots, make their friends hate them, and when they break up with said "love of their life," they act suprised and hurt. Anyone could have told them it wouldn't last.
Besides, in most cases it's not love, it's lust.
Anyone can fuck a whore. That doesn't mean you're anything special.
I'll stick with hanging around the Gamerz every Friday instead of dating. Anytime.
Well well, thats pretty strong. Sounds like i just hit a pet peeve. Thats why if you are going to date anytime soon, DON'T TAKE IT TOO SREIOUSLY!!!! Just do it to have fun although that makes you sound like a ho. Thats the only way to avoid this so called "surprise and hurt." :D
Oh! Remember your Lustbader book where they start boinking on the second page???
Good times, my friend.
NOTHING!!!! Thats what!!! :D
And yet you still read it.
And in total and utter honesty, the whole dating concept is beginning to sicken me.
Take my advice: You don't need a boyfriend anytime soon. Wait until you're in college. :D
Why is it all beginning to sicken you other than the obvious reasons?
It just seems like this huge angst-causing waste of time. The whole thing is "I love you I love you I love you I love you YOU HURT ME!" It's so pointless.
Everyone is suspicious and so quick to take sides. It's always fighting and making up and doing gooey worthless things for each other. They act like idiots, make their friends hate them, and when they break up with said "love of their life," they act suprised and hurt. Anyone could have told them it wouldn't last.
Besides, in most cases it's not love, it's lust.
Anyone can fuck a whore. That doesn't mean you're anything special.
I'll stick with hanging around the Gamerz every Friday instead of dating. Anytime.
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