May 05, 2004 23:33
Oh my hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons, pots of gold and rainbows, and the red balloon. Boys are driving me insane. Is Bradley trying to keep from me that he asked Claire out? Gah? Whats the big deal? Anywho, that doesn't bother me as much as Adrian. The "A-Bomb" wrote on his hand "A-Bomb <3's Molly W." GAH. I never even told the kid that I liked him. And he's like Yea, she's my girl friend. It got Metler mad because Metler is very protective of me. Aww, how sweet huh? Well kinda not because people think that Metler and I go out. And people think that Adrian and I go out. GAH GAH GAH GAH GAH. And then all these people are telling me that Dwayne Dodd, Michael Baker, and Colby Griffith likes me. GAH GAH GAH GAH GAH. The 2 guys I like I haven't heard anything about. Matt Hurley and Brad Romano. Gah, why do I still like Brad? Rar, Grr, Growl. I hope everyone enjoys prom. OH FRIKIN YEA! CHASE COCKRELL!!! EEP!!! (Traci it's that bald lookin guy you asked me who it was.) I forgot totally about him. He used to go here in... 7th or 8th grade. Then disappeared. I've heard that he's dagum psycho. But, I was walking along and I kept hearing my name being whispered, ::Molly White, Molly White, I remember you. You played the flute very beautifully, I remember you.:: GAH I NEARLY WET MY PANTS BECAUSE I DIDN'T SEE ANYONE! But after school I walked by Tori and I said don't forget your algebra homework cause I'm a good reminder. He popped out and said. Molly White. I remember you. Do YOU remember me? I said, at least give me a name. GAH! I was like, oh yea, you're taller now, and your hair is shorter but other than that yea I remember you. Played the trombone. Then I was like, nice seein ya again (because I was totally freaked from the earlier experience so I wanted to power walk right out of there) and said I gotta go.. He then followed me so I was like I'll be safe in the girls locker room so I dodged my way past a couple of big weight liftin guys and slipped into the girls locker room. Spent a good 5 minutes in there to make sure he'd be gone, but no he was waiting at the door for me. I was like.. I'll wait for another girl to come out with me and I don't care if it's a complete stranger I'll make me a new friend. So I waited for other girls but there was none so I was like.. I'll act like I'm reading.. so I went into the coach office, stole a paper, and buried my nose in it to act like I was SUPER BUSY. But no, he actually took the paper! JERK ALREADY! Then said (I'm going to spell it how he sounded), umm, "Hey gurl, Yo, Aye wuz just wonderin if you wurr seein anybod. Uhh, you talkin to anybod even? Cuz, weell, Aye think I can be yo main squeeze." WHAT IS THAT BOY THINKIN IN LIFE?!?!?!?! Gah, now I'm going to have night mares. Thank You Boys.