New addiction...

Dec 09, 2008 13:03

SGA hasn't appealed to me in a while, and zelempa has been off in Sentinel fandom (which I'd gotten into and out of years ago), so I have been looking for something new for both of us. And I have found (drumroll!)... Criminal Minds. Watching the first season for now, but slash abounds. I think it's a good level of quality; that is, not actually good, but good enough to make people interested in fixing it up through fic. A few people are writing in it now, but I'm hoping that'll go up as SGA wraps up its final season.

So, things I have read today!


A Rock and a Hard Place, Hotch/Reid, R, angst, h/c, ~17,000 words
Hotch and Reid get captured and interrogated… with a twist!

Hero Worship, Gideon/Reid, R, case file, angst, ~16,000 words
Interesting case file, plus Reid gets captured (I sense a theme in the fandom)

Miriam Heddy

Misdirection, Gideon/Reid, ~3,000 words
There are many orchids. They have a plan.


First Kiss, Hotch/Reid, ~1,500 words
I suspect that eventually I’ll get tired of Virgin!Reid, but today is not that day.

All in a Night’s Work, Reid/OMC-ish, ~3,000 words
Sort of similar premise to above (Reid goes undercover to catch a person killing gay guys), but also well written.
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