Jun 30, 2008 15:53
The thing about interning with the Big 4 in the states is that you are made to believe that you belong. It is partially untrue in the bigger scheme of things, or so I feel, anyway let's just say it is a difficult situation to explain. As an intern I get my own Corporate Amex card, you see what I mean? Yeah, its probably not that cool a thing for many of you, but it is for me. Laptops and blackberrys are all okay; but a corporate credit card with an expense limit way higher than what my credit history should permit, thats awesome!
I used my first paycheck to buy little things that don't bring me any happiness what-so-ever. I bought myself a moleskine, aldo slippers and the standard apple earphones. Bah! What I need, umm.. I crave, is a really really expensive keywallet. Not a keychain, a keywallet.
This city is going to help me find the love of my life. That I just KNOW. It's such a damn good fuckin feeling!