I messed around with my icons, and now I'm sort of wishing I didn't. Perhaps I'll feel differently tomorrow. Or maybe not, I effed up and lost my dancing Grover icon, I really liked that one.
I am up way effing later than I should be. Oooops. I think it's cause I was suffering from severe internet withdrawal, which has been somewhat taken care of now. However, since I have much to do when I awake, I'm definitely going to regret this tomorrow. What the hell am I talking about, it *is* tomorrow! Rats.
When I got home from the hospital I realized my laptop was a poopy piece of crap and so I was up the creek computer-wise. But since my boyfriend is not only a dear, sweet man but also a computer geek with loads of computer parts in his apartment, lo, I have a "new" computer (we trash-picked the monitor I am now using on Friday night, wheeee!!!!) that he slapped together over the past few days. He set it all up in my room today, 3 cheers for
fings!! Goodbye Windows, Hello Linux.
I think I can safely call myself recovered from the health woes and the surgery of last month. I still get the occasional twinge of pain in the area of my largest incision when I move around in my sleep but that's ok, and it will soon be pain gone forever.
I am now a size 16 for the first time in about 10 years. It's official, I bought a new skirt and a new pair of slacks in *size 16* on Friday. I know I'm still a big girl and quite a bit away from my goal weight/size, but considering I was a size 22 at one time I get to celebrate being less fat. Yay!!
I've been slowly but surely been catching up with my friends list.
I can't believe it's already August!!