Go check out
Palin as President. The site has been updated. Before it gave me good lulz. Now it has me crying all over again.
God Bless our President-Elect Barack Obama. I do not expect him to be a perfect president, but I believe strongly that he is the right man at the right time. I believe he will accomplish great things for this nation of ours. I have hope for this country in a way that I have not had in many years. I cannot put into words the the feeling that I have, that my baby will be born into a time where our country will hopefully be planting the seeds for a better tomorrow. I've been so vitriolic against McCain/Palin because the thought of my child coming into this world with those divisive warmongering assholes in charge was making me sick to my stomach. I was losing sleep over that shit. I'm sure there are many who would think me an optimistic fool. I don't give a flying fuck. I am filled with hope, and it is a beautiful thing.