I *FINALLY* have an appointment to see a reproductive endocrinologist! I first called on January 22 for an appointment, only to learn I had to make an appt. to see one of the gynecologists first so that they could screen me for the RE. The earliest appt. they had was for May 7th. I was NOT happy with this, but what was I going to do? We don't have a car (hell, I don't even know how to drive), so I am pretty limited in how far I can go to see a doctor. The outfit I'm dealing with is affiliated with
UMDNJ so I feel pretty good about that (so does my primary physician). So, anyway, I went to my appt. last month, and it went a lot smoother than I had expected. I thought I was going to have to make a big case for thinking that I have PCOS at my appt. last month and I brought all this paperwork (temperature charts, most recent test results). I didn't have to make a case at all! Which was a relief, cause the one downside was the looong wait once I got there! So it was a huge relief to zip through a consult and physical exam with a very sympathetic doctor who *listened*. I had to go back 2 days later to get some blood drawn, and that was another long wait, but eh. I got to hold a 5 month old so his mom could fill out the patient paperwork and he was darling, so that was a nice way to spend part of the time :). I resigned myself to having to wait some weeks to hear back from an RE and I did hear back from one last Thursday.