Title: In The Studio
Pairing: Teddy/Youngbae
Rating: R
Word count: 537
Warnings: None
Author's note: Kat requested some might-get-caught Sunbear sex and I was very happy to oblige ;)
Youngbae presses against Teddy’s back, hooking his chin over the taller man’s shoulder and meeting his eyes in their reflection with a smile. )
Pairing: Barest hint of Jiyong/Youngbae
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 148
Warnings: BDSM, spanking. There's some pretty hardcore backstory for this, which I may eventually post, and it does include pre-negotiation.
Author's note: There was spanking in the Michigo video. I had to.
Jiyong is seeking catharsis )