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Nov 29, 2005 08:12

A Basic Survey..57 Questions If you MUST know.BasicYour mom named you::Monica Rae Joseph Do you like your name?:it's okay, easy to pronounce, so it'll do. I didn't like it so much during the Monica Lewinsky scandal, though Some people call me::Mojo, Pheromonica, Moniker You were born::10/27/89 in Columbia, MD Age::16 School::Midorigaoka this year, but my heart is with NEHS! State you live in::um Kanagawa/Oregon Sign::Scorpio Righty or Lefty?::righty Screename(s)?::girlymojo, yokohama_mama What is your favorite.....Type of music?::All kinds, duh Band?::this week I like the Cherry Poppin Daddies Place to be?::Eugene Thing to do::sing, dance, get high and go to the playground Person to be with::my sister, Mitch Person to talk to online::Liesel, Ariel, Dave Movie::The Pillowbook, I ♥ Huckabee's TV Show::Ooku, Hana yori Dango, The OC Which do you prefer?Chocolate or Vanilla?::Chocolate Coke or Pepsi?::Coke, although I never drink either Radio or CDs?::CDs, plus Mexican radio stations once in a blue moon TV or Computer?::Computer Dog or Cat?::cat Good Charlotte or Mest?::neither Taking Back Sunday or Thursday?::neither Something Corporate or Coldplay?::Coldplay Republican or Democrat?::Democrat AIM or Yahoo?::AIM When was the last time that you...spun and spun until you fell down? XD::with Chelsea at a playground before I came to Japan Listened to your favorite music?::yesterday Cried?::Like a week ago when I got in a fight with my mom over the phone Laughed?::yesterday playing jumprope with my host sister. I haven't laughed yet today, it's 8 o clock in the AM Hurt someone?::I don't know Talked about someone behind their back?::yesterday Told someone you loved them?::If my mom counts, then like a week ago, if not, I can't even remember Hugged someone?::on Sunday, my 6-year-old host sister fell and got hurt and started crying. Before that it had been a LONG time. People don't hug here Kissed someone?::before I came to Japan Wanted to kill someone?::Dunno, but it was my father Wanted to badly hurt (but not kill XD) someone?::Middle school. I had a lot of rage back then. Embarrassed yourself?::Every day, especially regarding my crappy Japanese skills Told a secret about yourself?::Sunday Told a secret about someone else?::Don't know What was the last....(yes theres a difference between this & the last one)Word you said?::Ohayo Food you ate?::spaghetti Song you danced to?::Glamorous Sky by some Japanese artist Song you cried because of?::i think it was Coldplay Song you felt happy because of?::Snoop Dogg's Let's Get Blown Ok this is over. Not so bad for a first try, eh?Did you like the survey?::no Will you IM me if you feel like it at xXBenjiful27Xx ?::NOOOOO Goodbye.:fuck you Fuck you. XD:beat you to the punch Take this survey | Find more surveys
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