Nov 16, 2010 23:39
· Took care of sister
o Fed
o Provided everlasting friendship
o Gave her the best childhood ever
o Carried on Christmas when no one else could
· Took care of best friend
o Fed
o Provided everlasting friendship
o Gave her the best childhood ever
o The older sister/mother she never had
· Made the best crepes ever
o And best melts
§ And pretty much the best foods cooked in the house
· Touched raw meat too which is its own accomplishment
· Loves books
o Because those who don’t…it’s sad
· Good role-model for sister
o Never drank
o Never smoke
o Ran with the wrong crowd but successfully ditched them
o Involved in high school drama but got out of it
o Got sister into drawing, writing, and reading
o Got sister into anime (sailor moon and totoro)
· Supported sister throughout school
o Attended all her events
o Bought stuff for fundraiser
o Let her borrow car senior year in order for her to do more after-school activities
· Survived two years at Olivet
o Survived the awkwardness of religion
o Survived being prayed for at the guy’s house
o Stood up for interests like video games in class
o Worked out
§ And lost a lot of weight
§ Eating so much healthier
§ Feeling motivated enough to still walk and work out at home.
o Handled the pressures of the packed parking lots
o Went to classes by herself
· Applied for jobs all by self
o Got interviews from Borders, but they closed
o Got hired at JCPenney and still there
§ One of the most favored associates at JCPenney
§ The associate the other associates go to for help
§ The associate the store manager goes to to get stuff done in that department
· Driving
o Survived several accidents
o Drove to ACEN several times
o Drove through many times of getting lost
o Drove to Youmacon
· Made Syaoran’s hat
· Made the Nintendo baddies
· Made all the bought cosplays that much better by adding details
· Made Grandma proud by making cosplay
o And by going to college
o And by cooking
o And by being her best friend
· Has made Mom proud
o Took care of the household when Mom couldn’t
o Proved many times she can handle it and accomplish goals
o Butts heads a lot for being both stubborn and sensitive, but does so much to help Mom make it through the day, the week, and the year.
· Has made Dad proud
o He only tries because of his kids
· Is loved by animals
o Even if Naru isn’t allowed on lap
o And Kiley can’t fluff up the rug like he likes
o And Butterscotch can’t eat off the plates
· Showed not scared of being judged
o Stood up for beliefs and ideas in Olivet AND KCC
o Changed hairstyles so many times which have all been super cute
§ Went pink and pulled it off!
o PHOTOSHOOTS at conventions
· Has so many friends, but for reason doesn’t count them
o Probably comparing to “The Hills” friendships seen among people
§ But doesn’t see how those people spend EVERY weekend getting drunk and sleeping with each other and THAT’S how they form those relationships.
§ Doesn’t realize that she is the only person her sister would go to when she’s upset too. It’s not just likewise.
§ Doesn’t realize that even Maya doesn’t have friends like The Hills ideals. She has acquaintanceships and talks to them online but hardly sees them and most of them screw her over. She goes to her sister when she’s upset.
· So incredibly creative
o Artist
o Fashion designer (cosplay)
o Appreciates music from an instrument (video games)
o Can see the beauty of nature
o Doesn’t think these skills measure up to others, but doesn’t notice when friends are jealous because of how good she is at them
§ And how much she encouraged her sister to try them too.
· Doesn’t realize how much her sister is worried about her.
o To the point sister gets nauseous with worry
§ And she has cried over things on twitter about
§ And has put off studying till 4am trying to help
§ And has sat in the corner of the karaoke booth while everyone is singing, worrying about sister and her paper and her school and wishing she could be at home for support
o Nothing needs to be said because just looking at LiveJournal and our notebooks and those shoeboxes in your closet SAYS ENOUGH!!
· Compares herself too much to sister
o Sister learns quickly and is a perfectionist, so skills should not be compared
§ Instead, should be looking at where sister got the courage and inspiration to try and move forward
· Said before but sister would have never attempted drawing if her older sister wasn’t big into it at the time
I am so tired right now and my mind is hardly functioning (lack of sleep from past two days) but I took the time to write this for you.
I don’t know what else I can do for you. I don’t know how else to tell you that you HAVE to be your own motivation, your own dedication, your own passion and flame. You can’t look at the what-ifs, but rather look at life and appreciate it for what you have. Look at your collection of Asian goodies- manga, video games, anime, cosplay, etc. Look at your friends- those from your hometown, those from your childhood, and those with similar interests like the ones acquired from conventions. Look at how much of a change you made when you set your mind to losing weight for cosplay: you lost a LOT of weight! Look at how strong you are and how strong you have been: you’ve made it 25 years with this family, through SO MANY ups and downs (more downs than anything), but you’re still here. You haven’t turned to alcohol like EVERYBODY else in America and you haven’t resorted to living a reckless life. It could be worse, it could be way worst. But we’ve got to work with what we got. I apologize for anything that I have ever said that has hurt you or made you feel insignificant or incompetent. Because I know you are known of those. I’ve seen those types of people and you are smart, intelligent, and have good morals. I only say things out of frustration because I don’t know how to make you love yourself as much as I love you. Don’t become another Nicole. Don’t go down that path and make me feel like I lost another friend. You are my rock. You give me strength, so let me give you strength. You are my sister and my best friend and my favorite person in this world. You are not a loser because you have done so much to help me and so many others (even Nicole) succeed. You are not just an IM friend, you are an introvert that would rather spend time on the internet than out partying every night. You’ve been invited to pretty much the same amount of things I have, we just don’t end up going to them. Please because I don’t want to lose you. I won’t be able to go on without you. You are again drifting off like you did last year. I’m already away from home which is killing me. I don’t want to lose my base too. I could have continued writing more accomplishments too, I just need to work on my own paper too lol. You’ve done SO MUCH throughout your life, even if you don’t think it. You can’t compare yourself for the norm. Or else you would have been knocked up a long time ago while high and drunk and claiming to be an innocent Catholic girl. We aren’t normal. Nobody that attends a convention is. Especially not the ones that aren’t creepy like us and the friends we meet. So there’s nothing to compare yourself too because we are of our own breed and we can live life the way we want to. Nicole loves you too though she has a different way of showing it (she’s trying to conform to the type of American you normally see so her ways are sporadic and not thought out. She does care though. She texts me asking me if you’re ok if you send her an upset text and me and her spent a lot of time discussing how we can help you many times as we grew up. She just has a different way that can hurt, so you can’t put too much trust into her.)
So here’s to the shit we talk, the guys we stalk, the way we shop, the laughs we can’t stop, the gossip we spill and the looks that could kill. We’ll stay together, all through the years.
Get back into your opinionated state like you used to be and write that paper like you are defending that opinion. You just have to defend it in the order/structure the teacher gave you. Learn and memorize like you used to, if you are depressed and moping than your mind won’t have room for education. You’ve gotten better from last semester. SO much better. Just continue in that direction. I’m proud of you.