Mommy, you do realize that it is 45 minutes passed 1 in the morning? Also, your game is turned up way to loud. It's way passed your bedtime!
...Wait, who am I again? Oh yeah. ^^;;; Sorry.
Anyways, I am feeling soooo much better today. Did I mention I had surgery? Yeah, I had surgery on Wednesday. Oral surgery. Since my mouth had no room to spare for my four wisdom teeth which were going to start emerging soon, they began to press against the roots of my other teeth which would begin to turn me into
this. So I went and got them chopped out of my jaw. I was put to sleep and when I woke up, I felt like utter crap. Thank goodness I can't really remember feeling like utter crap, because I was utterly drugged with pain killers! One pain killer every 2 hours, I have pills for swelling and antibiotics. That's a lot of medicine.
Hmm. I have a lot to catch up on. There are many things that I want to write about. So! I will make a list to remind me:
Losing 5+ pounds and how I did it
The Cute Book
Nervous Breakdown + Epiphany
Pokemon D/P and Battle Revolution
But for now, i am going to stop writing, and go scold mommy for staying up too late.
I just couldn't fail to mention that these past few days have BEEN THE MOST MISERABLE DAYS OF MY LIFE. I can't think of ANYTHING else that is more painful than getting 4 wisdom teeth sawed out of your jawbone. T_T