Jun 21, 2010 14:01
You all know my stance on kids. I am not a big fan in general, and i have had no real intention of having any of my own.
...I am beginning to rethink that stance.
I am 27 years old. The big 3-0 is coming up rapidly, and I am seriously beginning to doubt my convictions. If i do decide to have kids, the time is coming up rather rapidly. I intend to live for a very long time, but having a teenage son or daughter at age 50 is not particularly fair to me or the kid.
Not only that, but there is quite possibly already a kid in my future. Jess is a mother, and we are damn sure going to be fighting to get her son back. When that happens, I fully intend to help her raise him.
So why not have one of my own? Not now, of course, but one day.
I don't know for sure yet... only that i find myself beginning to wonder.
Posted via LjBeetle