May 19, 2006 12:53

I feel it is time to make an update on my life. That and I'm listening to only the most amazing song ever.

So let's see ... I suppose the biggest news is that Joe and I finally split. Something I had forseen for a long time and finally grew the balls to do. We'll both be better this way. And frankly I've never fet more relieved in my life. Probably because I don't have this "I'm so unhappy but too scared to do anything!!" air smothering me anymore. But it's all good now and we've moved on.

Ah, and then Adam asked me out and I said yes for two reasons: he's been an amazing friend and I'm movin' on, baby. And aside from generally being really sweet and great, I must say this in all its bluntness: BEST SEX EVER. Ahhhh .. yes. I'm happy with the change. :P He makes me want to really try to be a better person (and he's sexy :X ). I'm gonna go on a diet and stuff and work out and try to do all of these things I really want to because I know he'll really be there to support me, WITH the incentive that he'll quit smoking if I lose the weight I want to. That's so sweet!

School is doing okay ... I'm super bad at modelling so having to model myself has been hectic, but ... Adam's in that class and he's good soooooo it's cool to be able to bug him to help me. The way it worked out, I'm in class with all of my friends again. It's so awesome. I'm trying my best to do my best so we all stick together. xP And then in MSC I have fewer friends .. And holy shit, this is like a philosphy class taught by the lonliest person I've ever met. He's sooooooooooo boring and soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hard to listen to. And he says "you know?" after like every sentance and I want to die.

Ahhhhh .. Tunak tunak tun!

Let's see .. I barely sleep now. :P Honestly this time! But it's cool 'cause Adam and I just waste time on the internet all night or watch movies. I really really like just spending time with that boy and cuddling. Or having sleep overs and talking about boys. He has this crush on Corey ... LOL. Ok, nobody is gonna get that but it's funny. > >

Ahh, alright. I need to take a nap, hypocritically in its own way, before lab. Ciao~
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