Nov 13, 2005 17:49
i love my church. whew. i need to watch more of our messages online.
if anyone else is feeling down-there's a great series to watch and study along with called "I was a 98 lb weakling" that you can get to by going to >> messages.
the first real week of the series is "my God was too small" but they added a Hurricane Katrina sermon to the beginning of it.
i just got done with the "my God was too small" that's some good stuff.
::once you have been touched by God you CANNOT SHUT UP::
so... i'll use that as my reasoning for needing to share what was said... ::teehee::
(Story of the week: Numbers 13:17-14:9)
Remember who you are.
"...we seemed like grasshoppers in our own eyes, and we looked the same to them." Numbers 13:33
pastor dave says: "you are not just a body. your face is just something to put on a drivers license. you can have an extreme makeover and stretch it till you look like joan rivers, but eventually it will wrinkle, and get spots, and TURN TO DUST!"
Remember WHOSE you are
"...whoever touches you hurts what is precious to me" zechariah 2:8
pastor dave says: "i can buy a basketball and hold it in my hands and it's worth about $10. that same basketball in Shaquil O'Neil's hands is worth $38 million. I can hold a golf club-but it's not worth anything compared to what it is in tiger woods' hands. it's not the object that holds the worth, it's the person who it belongs to that gives it value. so, how much are YOU worth, in God's hands?"
Remember who HE is
"Remember this, fix it in mind, take it to heart you rebels. Remember the former things, those of long ago; I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me." Isaiah 46:8-9
'nuff said
Remember what He has done
"They forgot about his power and how he rescued them from their enemies" Psalm 78:42
pastor dave says: "when i worry about what to do, i think: remember when i prayed for a job, and as soon as i stopped praying the phone rang. or when i needed money, and a friend i hadn't talked to in months sent it to me... God provides for all my needs."
Remember: GO FOR IT!
"Then Caleb silenced the people before moses and said, "We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it." Numbers 13:30
"Don't be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your brothers, your sons and daughters, your wives and your homes." Nehemiah 4:14b
BEST BRAVEHEART CLIP EVER! (when William Wallace says something like "What will you do without freedom? will you fight? no. If you run, you will live, at least for awhile. Fight and you may die. But many years from now, when you lie dying in your bed, would you be willing to trade all those days, from this day to then, for just ONE CHANCE, ONE CHANCE...AT FREEDOM!?!")
pastor dave says: "what is your promised land? what are you striving for that God has put in your heart to go for? if you don't have something to go for, what is the purpose of living. being "happy" is not enough, you must be ALIVE.
so kids, the moral of the story is: GO FOR IT! don't forget how BIG YOUR GOD IS!