Some girl had the audacity to flirt with Duston last night. She got hold of his number when he filled it in for a nutritional diet promo survey for Nestle Philippines being held in the PUREGOLD supermarket he went to yesterday afternoon. I've already told him several times before NEVER to give his number to ANYONE for ANYTHING unless it was an official document. But sometimes this kind of warning slips by.
Thus we've had the amusement and misfortune of being sent several text messages continuously and missed calls last night. Since the number did not register in his phone book, he wondered who could it be. Only to find out that it was one of the girls who worked at the supermarket. The first text message was about religious and all God watches you. Followed by 6 texts saying Hello. Duston replies: Who is this?
To which she replies in classic stalker style; You don't me but I saw you today at the Nestle Fitness counter and started asking about his health, was the nutritionist's advice good. The whole time Duston thought she was working for Nestle and was probably doing a phone followup. Six more text messages followed and now she drops the big one:
I am Joy. I am 22. I like to be friends. That she got his number from a friend who went to the Nestle Fitness booth and snagged his number and gave it to her.
Duston hasn't replied since and a flurry of other text messages from her came and she said she likes American guy. Would you like to meet me?
So Duston was like didn't she notice he was there to get baby wipes and nipples for the baby bottle? And I told him that some girls DON'T GET IT. You have to be more ridiculously obvious than that like buying a large pack of diapers and a large can of baby formula to throw them off and even better hold a baby in one arm while you're at it. But SOMETIMES these things are STILL ignored as they think you must be some single father and you might be looking out for a potential wife. And being alone, good looking and shopping in a supermarket and being American at that makes you the poster boy for target husband/boyfriend material.
Duston has texted her that he wasn't interested and that he's already married and has a family. She should stop it already.
Then she replies:" ow, okay i had an interest but am knowing you have family and i don't like that to make broken home. m not that way. tk care"
Duston responds: "Thank you for being honest and decent. Take care. I wish you well. Hopefully the next guy you find won't be married. Goodbye."
Now that should have ended everything if you had half a brain to begin with.
But then she immediately replies to him and then proceeds to go all emo shit and texts this message:
"Hopefully..., i found it, how, where, when? i have boyfriend on chat,but he is coming yet,i dont no how long i am waiting,.until when my hair going white?"
Then she follows it up immediately with another text: "Hey friend do u know how 2 speak tgalog or u understand it?"
She is most likely running out of wrong English grammar at this point.
It's already got to that extent that I asked Duston if I could read her text message. By this time he was already laughing.
I do not interfere with Duston's communication with anybody. I also had complete confidence he already got this handled being diplomatic and all. I see lots of people flirt with Duston, okay? It happens. They amuse me. Someone actually said I love you and tried to sell him juice at the train station. It happens. What can I say, my husband's a cutie? People can't help themselves.
However, in this kind of situation, this girl just took it to the next level.
First, you picked contact information solicited by another your company and used your friend to snag it from their booth to give it to you for your own PERSONAL BENEFIT. Thinking you've hit the jackpot? You think you've got the chance to snag yourself a man? Think again.
Second, what the hell is with the over sharing? WHAT DO WE CARE ABOUT YOUR PROBLEM? SERIOUSLY! What the hell do we care about your boyfriend? Who cares if you have to wait forever for some love to bash you in the head? Who cares if your hair turns white from waiting? WHO ARE YOU?
Third, her English grammar, her tenses and her punctuations are just SHAMEFUL. The girl does not know how to properly use a period. I pity her parents or whoever bothered sending this girl to school. I used to work as an English editor. This kind of stunt she pulled off makes me wanna drag her by the hair and skin her alive.
Lastly, she's such a whore. I dunno what else to call this little pipsqueak. If you wanna flirt with someone and want to be taken seriously, BE SERIOUS. Be creative. You don't tell someone, I like American guy and then do this whole emo crap with bad grammar. It does not work that way. You do not flirt with someone who's already married and told you he's married and that he's not interested. And then you pull off this drama so he can pity you. Girl, how much more rocks do you need to be bashed in the head with so you know when to stop and making a complete dumb ass out of yourself?
Since we've had enough of this lousy entertainment for the evening so I texted her back in Tagalog:
"Miss, pakitigil na kaka-text mo ok? Hanap ka ng ibang makausap sa problema mo."
(Miss, please stop texting, ok? Find someone else to talk about your problems.)
She replies: "ok po,sory po."
God! Her grammar is giving me a migraine! Finally, no more texts and missed calls from her. Peace and quiet at last.