Jul 26, 2005 12:18
BOO. i'm at my dad's office "working" when really there is nothing left for me to do...well, obviously, there must be something, but i haven't a clue who to ask. i've asked a few peopleif they need help and they said i already did everything. so now i'm doing another expense report for my dad, but i don't have all the bills from his secretary so i've done all i can and i'm stuck AGAIN doing nothing. can we say run-on sentence? i'm hungry too, but i can't go get lunch because i have no key card. gar.
i haven't started my honors english 2 summer homework...at all. PAHA! i'm fucked. and i've only read almost one of the books for spanish. oy. the only thing that's going well for me at the moment is my conditioning--i'm actually running pretty easily now, and sprints don't make me collapse! wahoo...
ok i'm going to bust a cap on someone's ass and get some lunch. peace brotherin