Is there anybody out there?

Apr 01, 2009 19:28

Well, I've found a place to stay at least.It seems to come complete with the basic necessities. This is all so very strange.

I haven't run into anyone else yet in this place. I have never felt so fucking alone in all my life. I've lived all my life in the hustle and bustle of Tokyo so this..this quiet is unnerving at best. How long was I lost in that void? I had no sense of time there. I can only pray that the others made it here somehow.

I feel like one of those characters in science fiction. You know the ones, the earth is destroyed and they are the only ones left. I hate this feeling. Please if there is ANYONE out there.. someone who can read this, please answer me. Maybe together we can keep each other sane and try and find others who have been brought to this place. I am Kudou Yohji and I am waiting for you
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