new day. new me.

Feb 21, 2006 09:03

It's hear people say "today is the first day of the rest of your blah blah blah blah" and you just smile and nod.
Sounds stupid, right?

Well I got up and looked at my schedule that I've been working on for next quarter and some big changes are actually showing.
Maybe not that big to everyone else, but as of yesterday I made some pretty big changes in the rest of my career at OSU.

I'm now waiting to hear if I received an RA position.
And I changed my major.
Journalism...for lack of better words, wasn't working out.
Mass Comm, here I come.

Highlight of yesterday (which happened to be fucking awesome for a monday morning with 4 hrs of sleep under my belt): My School of Comm advisor basically called my School of Human Ecology (worst.advising.staff.EVER) and demanded they change some shit on my transcripts. She mouthed OH MY GOD about 15 times and looked like she wanted to strangle them, and I told her thats what i deal with on a daily basis when i need help. Her response: "Wow...i am so...sorry." and then she continued to kick their asses.

Anyways, off to class to start my first day as a Hospitality Mgt / Mass Comm double major.
Yeah social sciences!!

takin it day by day,
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