A New Year!

Feb 11, 2013 11:40

I'm very much going to try to keep up with this. Gavin grows so quickly, I have to! He loves to stand. It seems as if he's going to walk any time now. It would be nice if he would sleep through the night, but hey, I guess you can't have it all. He has two teeth now, so I'm sure teething is helping keep him up as well as the various ear infections.

9 Months!

I'm so happy he's such a happy baby! It's makes things so much easier when one of us is incapacitated by illness. For the most part, he's very content to just sit and play.


We got him some new big boy shoes, as he's on the edge of walking. It really gives him a lot of traction when he's in his walker, he zooms around the house. The ladies at daycare really love him. They are so good to send us pictures of him and his accomplishments. It's really nice.

At Daycare

I guess I should try to have some New Year Resolutions. Well, I'd like to get more active, and get back into my yoga. I need to find a way to fit this into my crazy busy week. For the most part, nothing gets done on weekdays. I get home late and then all I want to do is eat and play with the boy. We have to go to bed early because he's still up a few times in the night. For about a week I was doing really well with sit-ups, but then I slacked off. We also need to go walking more. So I guess that's a plan - staying on top of fitness. Also cleaning more and not letting things pile up. Like journal-writing too. Ha!
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