Mosquito hell, or a new method of torture

Oct 09, 2005 04:19

Well, crap. My few nights of mosquito-free bliss has been shattered. The big red welts on my back, feet, cheeks, and neck (brought on regardless if one scratches) are nothing compared to the insanity-inducing buzzing that has forced me to stumble out of bed at an ungodly hour on back-to-back nights in a desperate attempt to either kill, or at the very least get some distance from, the blood-sucking monstrosities. And this, only after I discovered that covering your ears while you try to sleep with your entire body wrapped under a head-to-toe veil of covers merely provides a fitful evening of semi-asphyxiated slumber, with the steady drone of determined mosquitoes hovering in the background.

Need a new form of tort...err, interrogation technique? Let me recommend the use of Korean-strain mosquitoes. If the nasty bites don't produce a response, the incessant buzzing in the ears will. I'm adding industrial-strength earplugs to my b-day wish-list.
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