Dec 26, 2009 05:46
I have friends who play EVEOnline. They're in a corporation and said corp acquired a station. One person asked me what they should name it. I'd watched Blade a few days ago, so I was like "lol call it "Deacon Frost Memorial Station"
I contributed something to the world today. Something nerdy and something stupid, but I tried. I didn't try too hard, and it wasn't sincere, but... well, there's a Player Owened Structure somewhere near another Player Owned Structure called the 'Grape Cage' that is an electronic memorial to Deacon Frost, a character from a 90's action flick about a half-vampire who gets felt up by his mom and then another dude with a serious case of pinkeye and lots of chest hair who acts all insouciante and dashingly demented to some suave, European vampire dickheads while more vampires writhe around in an orgiastic slick of pig blood.
In short, I contributed nothing, but it felt good.