Sep 10, 2010 17:05
So.. since my birthday is coming up soon, and I'm going to be a whole quarter of a century old, and also since it seemed like fun when NPH did it, here's my birthday wish-list for all my lovely, kind, and generous friends out there! ^^
1. My own life-sized Barney Stinson (complete with "woobie" mode, when I can cuddle, hug and smother him to smithereens at my own pleasure)
2. A Jessie Doll (from Toy Story)
3. A 100 followers on Twitter (hey, I'm not THAT ambitious)
4. An iPad/Pod/Phone/Mac
5. For MacDonalds to start SuperSizing in Australia
6. The Ashes Urn
7. An HD average for this semester (anyone have connections to my Uni's Dean?)
8. For magic to be real
9. An ice-cream cake
10. More LJ friends (the more the merrier right? Since I have around 5 right now.. I know.. fail...)
11. BSB to be popular again (who is this Justin Beiber kid?!)
12. More BroTP (Canon or Fanon, not fussed!)
13. A Tickle Me Elmo
14. Inspiration to finish my fanfic
15. A 300'' Plasma television (I hear you have to ship them from Japan - hence, I'll forgive you if this one comes late)
16. All expenses paid trip to LA and NYC (I will even fly budget, okay?)
17. All my assignments finished
18. The ability to fly (who needs a car when you can fly!)
19. Emily Bear's Always True songbook
20. Cityrail trains to come every 5 minutes (though if you grant number 18, I don't need this anymore thanks!)
21. Whitney Houston's vocal cords
22. Piano lessons
23. A mini digital camera
24. A mandatory law for all men to wear suits 24/7 - okay, I'll allow suitjamas.
(I think Barney would approve XD)
25. People to know how to pronounce my last name
26. NPH and Dakota Fanning to get their much deserved Emmys and Oscars respectively
27. Dr Horrible 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28. Connie Talbot's new CD
29. The Holodeck to be invented already (C'mon, I've been waiting since I was a teen - stuff this whole 3D Tv crap and get on with it!)
30. A legend-wait for it-dary season 6 on HIMYM!
All gifts should be addressed to Yogurt@Hogwarts School of Magic where my owl will be picking them up for me!
random drabble