Title: Of Chess Games and Infatuation
Word Count: 531
Challenge: #6: Card Game
Pairings:James and Lily
Author’s Notes: My favorite ship unleashed! Kind of…
“Muah ha ha! Take that, you damned queen.” A dark haired boy sat wringing his hands together and imitating some sort of dark lord on a foamy chair.
“Look, Potter, when you asked if I wanted to play chess, I didn’t assume you meant a death match.” Lily rolled her emerald eyes in annoyance at the still cackling James.
“Aw, love, you’re just saying that ‘cause you’re loosing pathetically!” James was merciless with his taunting and quite frankly, Lily was getting fed up with it.
“I never said I was any good, so you can get off your high horse. You are successfully beating a complete novice.” Lily sat back, red hair smushed against the plush back of the chair.
A chessboard divided them.
Lily was thankful, where James was regretful.
He figured that playing chess would be a great way to get chicks, or, one chick, Lily Evans.
But, as James went, he got into the game.
Way to into it.
It seemed he didn’t care so much anymore.
“Still beating you.” he moved another piece that crushed one of Lily’s pawns.
“And what will that prove? That you’re better than me at chess? Christ, Potter, I already knew that. I’m betting everyone already knew that. I admit it!” Lily leaned forward again, utter anger boiling in her eyes.
“Still beating you.” James replied with relish.
“AHH!!! Potter!!!!” Lily banged her arms on the coffee table which violently trembled.
Several chess pieces fell.
“Oh, have some decency to not ruin our game, will you, love?” he faked an irritated look and set the pieces back.
How he loved to get her riled up.
“Potter! I am not going to play this game with you until you decide to act your own age!” she was standing now, fiery hair a mess.
This is getting me hot, James looked her over.
“I am…two.” His cocky smile set her off again.
“I can’t take this!!!” Lily rampaged around the empty common room. “Why do you have to do this?!”
“Do what, make you fall in love with me? I don’t know, I suspect it’s my charm…” he stroked his chin, looking up to the sky. “Can’t you admit that you suck at chess, and are completely infatuated with me? Suspect not, it’s hard to be multi-tasking.”
“Damnit, Potter. I am not in love with you, get it through your head.” She was on the couch now, laying and staring at James through narrow eyes.
Damn him and his sexiness.
“Uh huh…here. I’ll be the bigger person. Lily Evans, I think I love you.”
A dog howled in the distance among chirping crickets.
“What?” she was flabbergasted. “What?”
James had his serious face on now, mouth not twitching.
“You heard me.”
Lily was shocked…and a little scared.
“You…you…” since when did he make her heart melt, huh?
He was coming closer now.
Practically on top of her, nose to nose.
How’d he do that?
“I love you.” Their lips touched, friendly at first, but rapidly rushing to “passionate.”
“I love you too.”
And she meant it.