My LiveJournal Trick-or-Treat Haulyogurtkiller goes trick-or-treating, dressed up as an abortionist.
1927 tricks you! You get a clothespin.
faces_of_janus gives you 7 light orange lemon-flavoured gummy bats.
grunzen gives you 7 dark blue passionfruit-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
klarthailerion gives you 6 mauve cinnamon-flavoured pieces of bubblegum.
monknoiz tricks you! You get a rotten egg.
pacweebles tricks you! You get a clothespin.
professor_ping tricks you! You lose 16 pieces of candy!
scarlettwonder tricks you! You get a piece of paper.
tekno_plaid gives you 9 orange orange-flavoured gummy bats.
vneokitsune tricks you! You get a used tissue.yogurtkiller ends up with 13 pieces of candy, a clothespin, a rotten egg, a clothespin, a piece of paper, and a used tissue.Another fun meme brought to you by