Dec 21, 2007 23:21
To my surprise, the work-op job I applied to with no expectations whatsoever of getting has been offered to me! It's to be my Anthropology professor's errand girl for organizing classes/macedonia this semester and same when we're in Macedonia (which she promises will be much more interesting). It doesn't make a lot of sense since i'm not even majoring in Anthropology and am only 2nd year but I think the pleasant encounter we had in the bookstore a little while ago may have put me ahead of the rest! If there was a rest that is...she said that there would be a lot of competition and there was only one spot, but considering there were only 9 other people that even *could* apply and she is so crazy that being her assistant might be a little traumatizing I wouldn't be surprised if I were the only one...
Yes, now I get to quit SHOPPERS! This weekend there is a special employee offer where get we 20x the shoppers points (which can be redeemed for money) on top of the 30% discount, so I'm going to buy all the stuff I would ever expect to buy in the next year that doesn't expire. and then quit. Awesommmmmme.
I went to see "No Country for Old Men" the other day, it was the morning after my all nighter so I actually fell asleep without really realizing it a few times but what I saw of it was AWESOME. Most evil movie villain ever, and so fucking creepy. Seriously, look him up. I bet you he's going to get an oscar nod this year. I get 4 free movies because I got a scene card: two for getting it, and two more for preauthorized checking! Seems pretty sweet, but then I realize that in order to build enough points on my own to get another free movie I need to spend 5000$.....
Something really cute and nonimportant happened at work today. this EXTREMELY old man came up to me at .0000000001 mph to buy a box of colorful mint candies. He said how much he loves dark chocolate and I look down at the candies and become suspicious of his abilitiy to see and say "this isn't dark chocolate, you know" and he goes "whhaaaat?" all heartbroken, "but I wanted dark chocolate while I waited for my perscription..." so i went and got him the finest dark chocolate we carried and he bought that. Then a few minutes later when I went to the back for my break I passed him sitting with his back towards me waiting for his perscription, and I say "good chocolate?" and he turns around and his mouth is STUFFED with more chocolate an old guy should even consider putting in his mouth at once, with chocolate was sticking out too. I laughed so hard and said "guess so!" and he laughed with me which made the chocolate fall out of his mouth. Which made me laugh even harder. Oh god it was too cute. I love old men.
I bought a book today for Dave from the motel i worked at in the summer, the guy who told me everything about the freemasons except their secrets. "It's not a secret society, it's a society with secrets" he'd always say to me, ever so mysteriously. The book is called "The Secrets of the Freemasons" and it was in the clearance bin. It reminds me of the time (last week) where I heard what I thought was a leaked version of Britney's new song, and thought I was all special, until I heard that the CD was released like a week ago and the only reason I hadn't heard of it was because no one was buying it.
Ebert put his 10 best movies of the year post up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is the list for anyone who read this (I know I type like people actually read this).
1(best movie of the year). Juno: AHHH CAN'T WAIT. IT OPENS HERE ON TUESDAY!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH!
2. No Country for Old Men: He calls this a perfect film, it was pretty rad but I have to see it again when I'm less falling asleep. Pretty sure this is going to win best director(s) - the coenn brothers, partially as an homage to Fargo I becha. The oscars work like that. I should know. I'm oscar.
3. Before the Devil Knows you're dead: PSH PSH!!!!1 (Philip Seymore Hoffman, not scoffing)
4. Atonement: REALLY want to see this
5. The Kite Runner: Still gotta read the book
6. Away From Her: really want to see this, directed by my favorite Canadian Actress Sarah Polley
7. Across the Universe: Awesome! Way to give credit to underrated movies eebs..LOVE YA.
8. La Vie En Rose
9. The Gread Debators
10. Into the Wild: YES!!!!!!!!!!!
And then he has 10 films for 11th place :)
I have to work on seeing all these soon, this is going to be a great oscars because it's OSCAR BAIT FREE!!!!!!!!!