Mar 06, 2005 19:45
so i went to vermont this weekend with dad and z. we snowmobiled from 9:30-3:00 today. i am still too young and unliscenced to drive one, but i got to drive in the meadows and on the lake (which was, by the way, seven miles long) but for the rest of the sixty some mile trip i rode on the back of my father's sled and z drove behind us. we stopped for lunch at a really cute middleof nowhere convience store in massachusets( we started the journey in vermont, aren't we hardcore?) and had good stew and bough seventy-five gummy bears for seventy-five cents. i had to count them out. but on saturday morning, i drove around in the car with my mother. we drove to oakville to buy snowmobile oil. but anyway, we were approaching some big scary intersection when my mother started falling asleep. she says "jackie, what is the strongest letter in the alphabet?" so iwas like what?! oh, i think it's p. it has a strong enough sound. my mother says 'the answer is p. because not even superman can hold it back.' then she began to wake up, but not enough to find the place. i had to find it and i was driving. but so she went in the store and bought only one thing of oil. she sent me in to buy the other one. while i was in there i was checked out more than i have ever been in my life. one boy asked me what i rode. i supressed my urge to say big black men, and said my daddy has a polaris. uh huh, i told him. but we got home like recently and angie has never been more annoying. she finally stopped talking and snorting at me. i wanted to punch her.