Gomen was tired and busy for last few days>_<
Congratulation to Azakiel and Shuya chan~
So happy to meet all of you^^ although Yogi still
mix up someones LJ ID @@; Girls! lets meet again^^v
here is the pics~ gomen neh some pics blur...oTZ
I just post what i have here...ofcause not without photoshop effect^^v
Click Here~
My Hiro, Natsu kun and Farda kun^^
Look at this pic, like a couple but have you find out something wrong with this pic~?
Yes, Evael kun is that your hand!?~~~LOL >0<
Kawaii Shinku~ Oppss~ Both was Rabu-Rabu behind XD
Alex, Rabbit and Eri~
A new couple~
Two cute girl Miya and Ivory~
Farda kun~
Thanks for watching~ see u again ^^