Aug 13, 2008 21:17
I have never admitted this to you before, because to be honest I’ve always felt to shamed. I can only discuss this now because I have recently made some progress in dealing with this issue.
I think most people can identify with feeling down or disturbed and seeking to rectify these feelings by pleasing the body in some way.
For many it is with food that they seek to please the body, and with those who overeat it is obvious because they gain ugly unhealthy weight. But for others it is with sexual activity that they seek to please the body and because there are no obvious signs of this over indulgence often no one knows.
Shelter, Sex, and Food are genuine needs of the body.
Sex and Food are so pleasurable that in indulging in them we can forget our problems, and from my teenage years I used masturbation as a way to escape problems and feelings of tension. It worked like magic. I was aware that it was a way of escaping for me, and I saw it as not a problem.
But it is a problem in time, because what happens is that the sex gradually becomes less joyful and more and more base.
With the easy access of porn on the internet, I believe there must be many who choose masturbation as a way to escape the everyday world and it’s problems. And I don’t want to knock it to much, after all it must be better than choosing heroin, or getting drunk, but it is a dangerous path leading to disgraceful thoughts and actions.
The sad thing is this... it’s not necessary and in-fact only acts like a sticking plaster over an open wound. The sticking plaster soon falls off. The feelings of tension held in the body from the problems we face can never be properly erased and dealt with by sexual activity. These types of tensions are held in the body but come from the mind.
When the body needs food or sex or shelter it needs to be given these things, these things are not bad. But the mind needs something else to rid itself of tensions and uneasiness over the problems of life. It needs love.