Hi all, time to liven this com up a bit with some friendly discussion!
Why do you think Yogi & Gareki are right for each other?
All points are welcome, no matter how small it may seem if you have any reasons for thinking these two are made for each other then please, please do share & help nurture the fandom!
Off the bat, I'd argue that Yogi & Gareki compliment each other well because of their different but compatible personalities & abilities.
- For example, Yogi has great strength but also an equally strong sense of morality. On the other hand Gareki has great intelligence & practical skill and because of his lifestyle he's not adverse to breaking the law, making some of his talents lockpicking & bomb expertise. We've already seen what a great team these two make when they combine their talents.
- In terms of personality I think someone like Gareki, who has a difficult past and finds it hard to trust others, would need someone as patient, empathic and determindly friendly as Yogi to rely on. We're already seeing the development of Gareki's trust in Yogi, partly I think because of Yogi's honest & kind nature.
- Alternatively I think Gareki is also well suited to Yogi because even though his trust is hard to earn it'll mean so much more when he does come to trust Yogi fully so i think when that happens it'd show he trully cares for Yogi & isn't the type to use or just take advantage of Yogi's kindness.