Fail!post concerning the sprites + a little Valentines Day event upcoming

Feb 12, 2010 18:27

For those of you who tried to use the love sprites, I sat down half a minute ago and fixed a little fault in the coding. OTZ I should have retried the codes one more time before posting them, but... basically, there was one extra " < /center > " in there. I also forgot to add a break ( < br /> ) between the image and the text.

But I fixed the sprites, and tried it out on my own profile page (at the bottom) for assurance, so if anyone wants to paste it...again, go here, wherein the fixed codes are.


In lieu of a fast-approaching Valentines Day however, and whispering_eden mentioning hopeful participation, I was thinking of adding an incentive, if anyone cared to participate in a little fic or art or graphics contribution between the 14th and the 19th (tentative but likely dates).

The amazing dorothy-chan (the creator and maintainer of the Yogi/Gareki fanlisting) has, after correspondence, agreed to create a little something for those willing to participate. *3*

More information forthcoming in a later post. If you're interested, or have any questions or comments, you can go ahead and direct them here now, though.

! mod post, 2010 week of hide & seek

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