Sep 18, 2007 21:22
Today was a semi-odd day at work because I had two evals which wound up not being evaluated, and hence two hours in which I had downtime or wound up covering in the hospital. At lunch, I played volleyball (in the hallway, with a beach ball) on a team as part of Rehab week, and we won! I actually got a little winded, which surprised me -- I must be more out of shape than I thought. Anyway, now we play in the "finals" (yes, only 4 teams total, so it's a quick tourney) on Thursday and the winning team each get Starbucks gift cards, so that could be nice. The other "Rehab Week" event today was root beer floats this afternoon, which coincided with some of my downtime, so I got to enjoy that.
Now that I write out those two events, I think to myself how I need to do more cardio -- to work off that ice cream & to work on my endurance! There is a gym right near our apartment, and I have a free 7-day pass that came in our newspaper... maybe once Husband starts school & we figure out his schedule, I'll go try them out? I should really just try to drag myself out of bed earlier and go that route, before work, but those of you who know me are probably laughing and/or falling out of your chairs at that idea right about now. So probably not, but a girl can be ambitious, right?
Speaking of exercise, there is a commercial that was just on which is kind of misguided. The voice-over says something like "Do you smoke and suffer from trouble breathing?" and then goes on to pitch some inhaler/medication. Hello?! If you're having trouble breathing and you still smoke, what about not smoking?! But maybe that's me, being Captain Obvious.
Once home tonight, I read the paper and did my puzzles while my chicken marinated, then made chicken & potatoes for dinner, which wound up really good. We're watching "The Biggest Loser" and I'm enjoying having the windows all open and letting the cooler night air in. It almost feels like fall... except for the fact that no leaves change color here. Seasons, what are those?! So far, super-hot has segued into warm.
being annoying,
day to day...